Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Ps3 Cfw 4.70 V1.03

Following up the release of 4.70 habib (cex) standard cfw a couple of weeks ago, custom firmware (cfw) developer habib has a new cobra cfw that he has released to the ps3 community.. 4.70 habib-cobra (starbucks) v1.00 (cex) cfw comes with an updated cobra (v7.10) that has improved the controller sync issues on ps2 iso for the user's who has experienced issues on the previous fixes.. Added ps3 get cfw symbols added retro xmb creator added ps3 dump checker build 481 added sen enabler v5.8.0 added 4.70 habib cex v1.00 added ferrox nobd 4.70 added psnpatch 4.70.02 added arch 4.70 spoof v1.15 previous addition added ferrox 4.70 cfw -- v1.01 (cex) added gamesonic manager v3.59.2 added arch spoof v1.13 added managunz (backup. Cfw features of 4.70 habib v1.00: 1. made out of 4.70 ofw 2. have install package files and app_home 3. have reactpsn compatibility 4. patched lv0 to disable ecdsa checks 5. patched lv2 to add peek/poke support 6. patched lv1 to disable lv2 protection 7. patched lv1 to add peek/ poke support 8. it can run games signed with keys up to 4.70 9..

Nanti kalau udah pada kelar cfw 4.70-nya baru gue pajangin kalau elu ngak sabaran, ya sono tongkrongin ps3hax.net ama ps4news.com, ada tuh link cfw 4.70, tapi resiko tanggung sendiri ya, jangan mewek kesini kalau ada masalah. Salah satu cfw ps3 favorit kami akhirnya dirilis juga update nya. ya, ini adalah cfw darknet versi terbaru 4.70 buatan darkjiro.ada 3 build cfw darknet 4.70 versi 1.00, yaitu standard non cobra, edisi cobra 7.02, & edisi cobra 7.03.berikut fitur-fitur cfw baru ini =. Semua penghuni dan member - member yg sudah saling bantu jawabin problem - problem cfw dan jailbreak, beserta semua poster di page 1 atas informasi serta tutorialnya. revised 20-juni-2013 : thread ini terbuka untuk semua gamer ps3 (official firmware, custom firmware, jb, ode)..

ps3 cfw 4.70 v1.03

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