Saturday, March 9, 2019

Blackberry Bold 9900 White Screen After Wipe

The reason for the white screen of death on the blackberry is a rim application called blackberry protect. remove this application and the problem would immediately go away. originally posted by mikefromcanada. 9900 white screen of death only with battery in??? i have a bb bold 9900. all was well until one night i went to sleep with phone fully functional and only to wake up and find out in the morning the phone would not start and show a battery logo with red cross (no battery).. 9700 white screen of death otherwise if the method is not working then you have to reset the blackberry bb bold 9900 white screen with loading bar after security wipe source: my blackberry curve 8520 screen turns.

Hard reset blackberry bold 9900 wipe data master reset (restore to factory condition) video - duration: 2:53. mr money phone 107,900 views. Blackberry bold 9900 stuck on loading screen 1000000000% solution 1 charge your battery 2 download this tool (bb cmd by del_fanfan) link is below 3 install blackberry 9900 firmware download it searching by google 4 run bb cmd by del_fanfan tool 5 connect your bb9900 by usb cable with pc install driver if you are using window7. Your issue sounds like the "blackberry white screen of death". there is nothing wrong with your blackberry screen. all your blackberry needs is the recommended os, but unfortunately your profile does not show the model of your blackberry device, therefore, i cannot direct you to the proper os..

blackberry bold 9900 white screen after wipe

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