Star health and allied insurance company limited corporate office : i, new tank street, valluvarkottam high road, chennai - 600 034 claim form for medical insurance customer id issuance of this form does not amount to admission of liability under the policy. Star health reimbursement claim form download. Please complete the claim form in all respects read the instructions given along with the policy carefully before filling in the form attach all the relevant documents in support of your claim to avoid delay i declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars contained in this form are true.
star health reimbursement claim form download
Claim form - part a' to 'claim form for health insurance policies other than travel and personal accident - part a to be filled by the insured the issue of this form is not to be taken as an admission of liablity details of primary insured: a) policy no: (to be filled in block letters) section a section b b) sl no/ certificate no c) company. Claim form - part b to be filled in by the hospital the issue of this form is not to be taken as an admission of liability please include the original preauthorization request form in lieu of part a. Claims form download, claims faqs.
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